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Hygiene, health and safety:
the Geocean triptych

Health and safety are shared responsibilities that require everyone’s commitment. Thanks to our “Safety in Design” approach, we incorporate proactive principles from the design phase and across every stage of our projects. Discover below the main points of our policy.

The Zero-Accident objective

Our first duty is to protect the physical integrity of everyone working on our sites. To guarantee this, we put the necessary organisation, processes and means of collective and individual protection in place.

The company aims to set health and safety benchmarks by integrating safety into design and execution, developing operational procedures, preparing day-to-day activities, and providing feedback.

Our employees all share the same objective: exemplary behaviour everywhere, at all times and in all circumstances.

Safety in Design: prevention at the design stage

Our “Safety in Design” approach aims to integrate safety into all aspects of projects right from the design stage. This collaborative approach involves our teams, partners and contractors. The aim is to ensure that risks are assessed and mitigated from the earliest stages of the project. This significantly reduces incidents during the construction, operation and maintenance phases. Feedback from the worksite is incorporated to ensure that similar incidents never happen again.

Training and awareness: the keys to prevention

We are guided by ISO 45001. Additionally, practical, ongoing training is essential for improving and maintaining a safety culture. Initiatives such as “Manage in Safety” and “Produce in Safety” reinforce our teams’ safety awareness and skills. These programmes encourage every team member to understand and apply our standards daily.

The importance of a “near misses” approach

We actively encourage the reporting of near misses. What are near misses? These are events that could have turned into accidents. These reports are crucial because they help prevent future accidents. Each “near miss” is analysed,  comprehensively to learn lessons and adjust our safety measures. If a near miss is deemed to have ‘high potential’ i.e., one likely to have prevented fatal consequences, then it is passed on further. The entire Group is then informed to avoid a similar situation.

Stop the Job!

Geocean applies a right-to-warn and right-to-withdraw policy for safety reasons. All employees have the right and duty to report any work situation that may present a danger. Work is then stopped, and corrective measures are implemented.