Moheshkali: Installation of a floating FSRU terminal. Transitional energy
- 2017 - 2018
Moheshkali: Installation of a floating FSRU terminal. Transitional energy
Moheshkhali – Cox’s Bazar district: Installation of a second FSRU floating terminal Transitional energy
Wilhelmshaven: Green gas terminal to receive a FSRU Transitional energy
Abidjan : assistance to shore crossing for a gas pipeline Transitional energy
Geocean, marine contractor: Our achievements
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4 réalisations trouvées
Moheshkali: Installation of a floating FSRU terminal.
Moheshkhali – Cox’s Bazar district: Installation of a second FSRU floating terminal
Wilhelmshaven: Green gas terminal to receive a FSRU
Abidjan : assistance to shore crossing for a gas pipeline