Wilhelmshaven LNG Terminal Project: Installation of the PLEM

🚀 Today, we share the successful installation of the first PLEM (Pipeline End Manifold). The PLEM is a part of the jettyless IQuay F-Class – An original configuration by ECOnnect Energy for fast track LNG.
Geocean Fast-Flex barge has reached the FSRU jetty, and the TCP laying operation into the pre-trench has been completed.
Due to the site restrictions, the TCP lines are brought alongside the Geocean Fast-Flex barge and are connected to the PLEM.
The Flexible riser is also connected, and the PLEM is installed subsea in a single lift.
During the ECOnnect IQuay F-Class installation, this is one of the most critical and sensitive operations.
Next Step? Heading to project completion! Don’t miss our last offshore operations.